Year 4 Poppy Collage
Today, we remembered all those who have sacrificed their lives in war. We spoke about the history of Remembrance Day and why it is held. We then looked at some newspapers from after the First World War had ended. Then, we created a poppy collage.
Year 3 Design and Technology
In Year 3, the children have been working on a project to create pneumatic (air-powered) toys.
All about addition
Today in class we started by looking at different solutions to an equation and spotting which answer was correct and working out why the other answers were incorrect. This really helped to clear up some misconceptions children had. After, we split into pairs, working through some problems. First,…
Year 3 PE in the park
On Wednesday, we decided to make the most of the good weather and get active in Markfield Park. We had a great time!

End of Year Fun
To celebrate all of their achievements during their time at Crowland Primary School, Year 6s have had a fun-packed final two weeks filled with a variety of activities!
To kick off their final weeks, the children had fencing and archery lessons taught by brilliant Premier Education coaches. It…
What can we make with chairs and a blanket?
This morning the children worked together to make a den using chairs and a blanket. They worked together really well as a team. When they had built their den, they all went inside and shared a story together. Great team work guys!
#whatcanwemakeoutofchairsandablanket #buildingaden
End of Year Water Fun!
To celebrate the end of year and the lovely weather we have been having; Budgie class enjoyed water fun!
The children enjoyed wetting each other, but most of all wetting Miss Kirwan.
We all had an lovely afternoon and ending the afternoon with a party!
Nursery Graduation 2021
After a long year, Budgie class have all graduated with honours lol. We are so proud of you all and wish you the best in the next journey in your school lives, whether you will be stay on at Crowland or moving on to a new school. #classof2021

Reception's Sushi Bar
The final stop on our "Around the World in Seven Weeks" topic is Japan. We have been learning all about Japanese culture, and Japan's capital city: Tokyo, where the 2021 Olympics will be held in a few weeks time. Our story of the week has been "Ame Goes to Japan" by Mami…

Reception creates a swimming pool
This week Reception have been learning about Jamaica as part of our Around the World topic. We read the story Jabari Jumps where Jabari faces his fear of the diving board at the swimming pool. The children in Reception took inspiration from this and decided to build their own swimming pool and…
The Braille Alphabet Year 2
In Year 2 we explored the ways in which communication has changed throughout history. We have learned about the existence of hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, the introduction of the printing press in England and the invention of the telephone and the World Wide Web. During our learning journey we…

Can we keep an orangutan as a class pet? By Year 2
In Year 2 we have learnt all about orangutans. We wrote a letter to Ms Stav to let her know our answer to the Big Question: Can you keep an orangutan as a class pet?