When it comes to your children’s education, we know there is so much to keep track of. In order to make this easier, Crowland Primary School uses ParentMail in order to communicate with parents and carers.

With one single account you can receive information, letters and newsletters, complete forms and make payments to the school. 

Accessed from your smartphone or computer, parents and carers can even share accounts and be kept up-to-date — all at the swipe of the free ParentMail app.


To log in to your ParentMail feed click here.


We’d like to encourage all parents to download the APP as there are a number of benefits both to you and the school:

  • You don’t need to login to pick up messages or attachments when you use the App.
  • The App stores all the messages we send you in one place.
  • Every message sent arrives as an instant alert on your mobile.
  • You help save us money!


You can download the App for free from App store, Google play store or click on the link below.