Year 3 Maths Chocolate Pictograms
In maths we created Pictograms representing information. We represented how many different chocolates each group had. We also got to eat them afterwards!
Year 3 Hummingbird Class Winter nature walk
Hummingbird Class went on our Winter nature walk, to see what animals and plants we could see at this time of year. We found birds from all around the world.

Science Materials
In Science, we tested lots of different objects made from different materials to find out if they can be squeezed, pulled, bent, or twisted. We then recorded our findings in a table

Year 1 Treasure Hunt!
In Geography this term, our children in Year 1 our working on their map skills.
We kicked off this term's lessons with an exciting treasure hunt!
In our first lesson, the children were read 'Pirates Love Underpants' by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. Then, their teachers surprised…

Year 6 Bar Modelling in Maths
In Maths, Year 6 were representing a range of mathematical problems using cuisenaire rods to create a bar model. The bar models helped children identify which information they knew and which information needed to be found in order to solve the problem. Bar modelling is a fantastic tool that allows…
Year 4 Science- static electricity
Today, we explored static electricity. We spoke about how the charge builds up and up and then will be discharged.
We had to see if we could build up enough charge to attract our partner’s hair. Then, we needed to try to make stick to a wall. After, we had to explain what was happening,…

Year 2 nsima tasting
As part of our D&T week, we learnt how to cook a staple dish from Malawi. It is called nsima. From Malawi, Mrs Gilkes' Aunty made a video on how to cook it. We learnt the names for the utensils used. Mrs Gilkes made some for us to try and using our 5 senses, we then described and tasted…
Fruit Kebabs
We have been learning about climate zones. We were looking at the climate in Asia. We made some fruit kebabs using fruits grown in Asia such as Lychee and Melon.

Year 6 Experts!
Our Year 6s are Water Cycle experts! After revising each stage of the cycle, we asked them to grab and prop and share all their expertise with their partner and the class. They recalled the vocabulary and definitions clearly and their accents were very impressive.

Year 6's Autumn Learning
The first half of the Autumn term was full of fun learning experiences for our Year 6!
Leaf Hunt
In Science, the children learnt about how living things are classified. To understand the concept we started with classifying some tasty sweets. They then applied their observation, questioning…