Dear Parents and Carers,
What a wonderful time had by all at yesterday's Summer Fair!
We want to say a special thanks to all the parents and children who gave their time for preparing the various stands and for supporting the school in such an open hearted and positively warm way.
The children, parents and carers had such a wonderful time, enjoying the bouncy castle activities, the stands, the food and the dancing!
Special thanks to Leah Turner, our parent governors , all our staff , parents and children who gave up their time in preparing and running the various stalls which were such a pleasure to contribute to. Special thanks also to Ms Cabrera for the amazing performance and Mr Ray Manmohan for his musical DJ talents.
Mr Thomas, Mr Saunders and Coach Wayne deserve special thanks for organising the whole event!
We will soon be announcing the proceeds which will go towards Ian's medical treatment and towards our new library.
Thank you to all!
Mr Winnard and Ms Stav