Moon rockets
One significant explorer we learnt about in history is Neil Armstrong. We decided to link this with Design & Technology by designing and building a junk model rocket to the moon.

Nature walk!
In science we are learning about living things and habitats. We took a trip to Markfield Park to explore our local habitat and spot local living things.

What a great TWOsDAY!!
We had a fabulous day on TWOsDAY (22.2.22) with lots of fun Maths activities. We solved 2D shape sudoko puzzles and drew pictures by drawing around 2D shapes!
Math - length and height
This week’s Math topic is length and height! We estimated the length of objects around the classroom and our school using metres and centimetres. After that, we measured them accurately using tape measures and recorded our data in a table.

Science Materials
In Science, we tested lots of different objects made from different materials to find out if they can be squeezed, pulled, bent, or twisted. We then recorded our findings in a table

Year 2 nsima tasting
As part of our D&T week, we learnt how to cook a staple dish from Malawi. It is called nsima. From Malawi, Mrs Gilkes' Aunty made a video on how to cook it. We learnt the names for the utensils used. Mrs Gilkes made some for us to try and using our 5 senses, we then described and tasted…