Year 5 Mayan Workshop day!
Last week, for our history topic, year 5 took part in a Mayan workshop. They used sticks of various length to create a Mayan temple. Teamwork was key, to completing this task!
Year 5 go to the London Eye + Thames cruise!
In the spring term, while studying 'the UK' in geography, we took a trip to see some of our most beautiful landmarks, in this glorious city we are proud to call home! The children were able to appreciate the landscape as we had such beautiful weather!
Year 5 - How to bake cookies
In the last 2 weeks of Spring term 1, Year 5 had been focusing on instructional texts. As part of their learning, they had to follow a simple recipe using the skills they had been developing over the week. With the ingredients provided, the children worked in groups to read and follow the recipe…

Spectacular Space!
In year 5 we have some amazing science topics, but one of our most favourite topics has been 'Earth, Moon & Space.' The children were given the opportunity to flex their creative bones and encouraged to think outside of the box when it came to their projects for this topic. They made miniature…
Year 4's brochures ALL about Tottenham!
To kick start the final half term of this academic year, Year 4 decided to write a piece of persuasive text all about 'Tottenham', in the form of a brochure. In order to 'sell' Tottenham to potential tourists, we had to do some field research! Over the first few weeks of term, we went out on…