Dear parents/carers,

I hope you all had a restful Easter break and welcome to our very first remote summer term! We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working, so I wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time.

It’s definitely been a strange and challenging time, so it’s ok if you and your child feel wobbly and worried at the moment. We’re here for you every step of the way as we figure this all out together. Remember, if you have any concerns about helping your child learn or you need any other support from the school, please let us know by contacting our front office team with any queries on or Our expert office team will direct you to the relevant person very quickly and efficiently.

Please remember that new learning is very important but spending quality time with your children by having fun is just as important. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy your time with your children with fun activities such as cooking, chatting, enjoying TV together and all the other activities that you may have missed out on under normal circumstances.

We miss the children very much, but we must follow the government’s guidance to keep everyone in our community safe. So, we’re carrying on with home schooling arrangements through your ongoing support.

But just because we’re not all in the same building, doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun together! Your children will have lots of activities they can get stuck into over the summer term. Our wonderful teachers have been busy setting up an exciting online teaching program which will link to the current government recommended teaching modules. It is an easy program to access and it will offer help and guidance to you and your child to further their learning.

With your support this will be up and running by next week. So please keep a close eye on the information you will be receiving in the next few days about how to set this up.

If you find that you are having problems accessing the program please let us know so that we can offer help. Likewise, if you know of another family who may be struggling with language access please keep us informed.

Unfortunately, we can’t say yet when we’ll be able to open the school fully, but rest assured that we’ll continue doing our utmost to keep your child learning and our school community connected. We look forward to our new term and the new ways of working.

Please stay safe and look after your loved ones.

Let’s get cracking with our summer term!

Warm Regards,

Stav Stavrinou